Thursday, October 4, 2012

Internet Censorship and Me

Freedom! Freedom means different things to different people. According to our constitution freedom means justice, liberty and equality and we do live in a democracy. So that is the definition of freedom. But it’s easy to get hung up over words and forget the true spirit, the true intent behind the concept.
When I was a kid, I first saw the internet for the first time at a friend’s place and I was amazed when I saw people make art, music, painting, games, stories and so many more things, sharing these and expressing their ideas and beliefs. Internet is a whole new world of possibilities and opportunity. It was and will always be a place to find art, hope, joy and ideas. The best part is that the Internet has always been a democracy. Here anything is possible. The outlandish, the violent, the sexual, content that is thought provoking, interesting, useful or just captivating stays on and content that is boring dies a natural death. There is an organic evolution and selection of ideas. This evolution has shaped the internet which in turn shapes our world. Whether we want it to or not. But every once in a while I read about the government trying to control the direction the internet is moving towards. Sometimes in the interest of national security, sometime national sentiment and sometime national values. We’re not that immature to handle opposing comments, beliefs, ideas or thoughts. While everyone is free to disagree with what I believe and stand for. But no one has the right to tell me what to think or what to see.
I will make cartoons, songs, movies, jokes, paintings and poems criticizing my country and or its leaders or its values. Freedom of speech grants me the rights to criticize and anyone else is free to criticize me, my ideas, to gods and to my taboos. All they have to do is respond. I’m surprised by the fact that a company can obtain a blanket ban on video sharing sites. A company ironically that has got so much coverage out of viral media and remixing and copyright infringement. The internet is not a school’s bulletin board where the principal decides who posts what. It is a network plugged into the minds and voices of millions of people, millions of people who should be treated as intelligent, free thinking and capable of making their own choices as to what is right or wrong for them. Without fear that one day their voice will be silenced, erased or blocked. The internet is the one true democratic medium I have.
I want to be angry, I want to get educated, I want to be political, I want to be critical, I want to explore sex, I want to disagree with the government, I want to learn about my world, I want to debate religion and values, I want to make mistakes, I want to be able to question, express and exchange without judgment and regret. What I’m saying is I want to be the freedom of who I want to be. I want access to everything, I want the choice or everything and I want the vocabulary of everything. I want the complete picture so I can decide what it is that I’m seeing. I want to live a free life and I want a free medium and I’m scared that people who do not understand or appreciate that medium are in charge of it.
The internet belongs to everyone and nobody should be in charge of it. It should always remain uncensored because there is no such thing as part freedom.